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Our Specialties

We specialize in the following auctions:

Auctions We hold over 120 live auctions per year. Talk to us today about selling your items or collection at one of our weekly auctions.

Estate Auctions – There are many reasons that could lead you to an estate auction. It could be the passing of a loved one, relocation, or retirement. Regardless of the reason, be assured that our planning and execution of the auction will be conducted in a most professional and courteous fashion.

Collectors Let us sell your fine collection the right way. We go out of our way to attract the best buyers for your collection.

Guns and Firearms Whether it's 1 rifle or a museum quality collection of guns, we are your solution.

Coin Collections   Trust your collection to someone who truly understands what you have.

Homes, Real Estate and Land - No hassle and fast. We provide full service auction services including all paperwork, open houses, advertising, inspections, and disclosure statements so you don't have to worry about all of the little details. We also allow broker participation to get more buyers at your auction.